Django Rest Framework <3 Redux

Speaker: Sheena O'Connell

Track: Web

Type: Talk

Room: Video Stream 2

Time: Oct 07 (Thu): 16:30

Duration: 0:45

Django Rest Framework lets you rapidly create well behaved, increadibly consistent, REST api endpoints on your Django app. It's pretty great and its saved me personally a lot of time.

A very common thing to do is take your Django app and treat that as a backend to a modern frontend built in something like Vue, React, Angular or one of their many many competitors.

Now each of these frontend tools/frameworks have their own way of keeping trac of data or state. So when people plug their frontend tooling into Django certain wheels tend to get reinvented.

Enter Redux. Redux is a teeny weeny and painfully elegent JavaScript library that works wonders with state managment. Redux is commonly associated with React, but it's not actually relient on React in any way. It's just JavaScript, it can actually be used just about anywhere that JS runs (yes, even a backend if you wanted to).

I use Redux a lot and have built some web-frontend-framework agnostic tools that make it easy to manage your api data on any old js frontend and deal with forms that are backed by a DRF api. What's cool about this is that it's dead simple to useonce you have it set up, and it doesn't stop you fronm using other state managment tools for other parts of your application.

I'm sure this tool has saved me weeks of pain and suffering. If you are into fullstack web dev and modern frontends then you might find this useful.