The loop of Joy: helping kids (and grown-ups) enjoy code adventures

Speaker: David Campey

Track: Teaching and Learning with Python

Type: Talk

Room: Video Stream 2

Time: Oct 07 (Thu): 15:45

Duration: 0:45

The loop of joy:

  1. Ooh, I have an idea…
  2. struggle…
  3. it works!

In my work at CoderDojo, I realised this is what we are aiming at helping kids discover (and also helps grown-ups too!).

This talk will cover:

  • Starter pathways to crank the creative joy engine in young learners
  • The MIT Media Lab “Life-long Kindergarten” 4P’s:
    Passion, Peers, Projects and Play, and how they drive the creative learning pathway
  • How to not lose connection to enjoying it (kids and adults)

Come curious, with hope for joy!